Pastor Dale Anthony Robbins was called to be the Pastor of Hamilton First Baptist Church in April of 2023. Dale joyfully and passionately served the Lord in the gospel ministry for over 37 years.

Pastor Robbins is a Masters Seminary Graduate (2000), Sun Valley California, with a Masters of Divinity degree trained to be a biblical expositor preaching / teaching God’s inspired word verse by verse, word by word through entire books of the bible. He brings out the nuances of the original languages and historical backgrounds in his teaching and preaching. He has ministered God’s word to christians and the lost as he has pastored in Florida, Guam, and Hawaii, and taught at Pacific Island Bible College and Wayland Baptist University.

He and his wife Kathy have been married 47 years. They have two married daughters, Aubrey and Kristy, and one grandson, Malakai.

He has given his life to serve the Lord and seeks to promote the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the growth and maturing of the Lord’s church and outreach to the lost sinner’s need of salvation in this new surrounding community of Hamilton, Sedro Woolley and Concrete

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