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Title Scripture Speaker Date Hits
N.T. History - John Session 7 D. Anthony Robbins 2016-06-29 2609
N.T. History - Luke and Acts - Conclusion Session 6 D. Anthony Robbins 2016-06-22 2379
N.T. History - Luke and Acts Session 5 D. Anthony Robbins 2016-06-15 2396
N.T. History - Mark Session 4 D. Anthony Robbins 2016-06-08 2483
N.T. History - Matthew Session 3 D. Anthony Robbins 2016-05-18 2494
N.T. History - Introduction and Background - Conclusion Session 2 D. Anthony Robbins 2016-05-11 2625
N. T. History - Introduction and Background Session 1 D. Anthony Robbins 2016-05-04 2410